Protect Your Home From the Elements

Schedule asphalt shingle roof installation services in Duluth, MN

When you need an asphalt shingle roof installed, there's only one company to call. Oriole Construction offers asphalt shingle roof installation services in Duluth, MN and surrounding areas.

Our roof installers can:

  • Show you a variety of shingles
  • Give you a free estimate
  • Tear off your old shingles and underlayment
  • Inspect your roof for damage
  • Install new underlayment and shingles

Reach out right away to arrange for roof replacement services. Our roof installers will be glad to give you a free estimate.

See why asphalt shingle roofing is the way to go

Oriole Construction takes on asphalt shingle roof installation projects in the Duluth, MN area. Asphalt shingle roofing is popular among homeowners because it's:

  • Versatile - it can be installed on any structure
  • Cost-effective - it's one of the more affordable roofing materials
  • Energy-efficient - it can reflect sunlight to help reduce your energy bills
  • Weather-resistant - some shingles are hurricane- and tornado-proof
  • Long-lasting - it's easy to repair and maintain

Our roof installers will seal your roof to help it withstand the harsh Minnesota weather. Call 218-370-2540 now to get roof replacement services.

Be sure to ask about our special discounts

Are you a senior citizen or military personnel? Do you serve with local law enforcement? Our local roofing company is proud to have your business. We provide discounted services for homeowners over 65, active military personnel, veterans and our police officers as a way of thanking you for your service.

Don't wait until the last possible moment to invest in a new roof for your home. For a free estimate on our roof replacement services, send our local roofing company a message now. You won't regret coming to us for your roof replacement needs.

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